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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2007-03-19 13:46

Hmmmmm... Just out of the shower, sitting with my Powerbook actually on my lap, and the first thing in mind is my cat, Juliette. She is the center of the Universe, the cat to whom all cats aspire.

She came to me as a birthday present 14 years ago.

She has been having trouble jumping up to her special places. She "climbs" more than leaps up. Before xmas I took her to the vet about it. They x-rayed her while she was knocked out for teeth cleaning. That x-ray told the story.

She has a couple vertebrae and a disc that are messed up. Kitty Arthritis. There is not a whole lot they can do to "fix" it. She has some meds for pain. He started acupuncture- done with infrared light, not needles- and she's had two chiropractic adjustments. The combination is helping much.

Juliette has entered the $60/week level of High Maintenance Kitty care. My pets are family- cared for lovingly "till death do us part". I don't NEED many things. We have some bills that should get paid faster, Whatever!

Miss Juliette is so precious. We've been through all kinds of stuff together. I love her.