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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2003-05-01 11:12 a.m.
I am OK OK
Just wrote this note to a friend, and it seemed to scream,"post me!" so here it is....A Final Moviette...

Then off to the job, Without sufficient sleep, and my adorable little dog making "goo-goo please nappy with me mom" eyes my way! Curses, foiled again! But I did get the optimized gif animation thingy down last night! YAY!!! I wish gifs opened in emails like .mov files do...

Can you imagine, I sent that magnificent houdini animation to most of Bob's relatives, and not 1 of them wrote me back???!! That was before Easter! I just thought of that now. What weirdos.

CONGRATULATIONS on finishing that huge step making that document for A, I know it was not easy. Sometimes things are covered with claw marks by the time you finally let go! Have a personal party to celebrate! In the big picture, even holding on to the most "important" things is as silly and futile as Scrappy hiding and guarding his treasures from the cats! Or doing his tricks so they will drop more stinky stuff on the floor. Always remember WHO really writes the paycheck..... I Love You!