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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2007-06-23 10:02 p.m.

This morning I was perusing the New York Times Science section, and came upon an article about triboluminescence. That 17 letter multi syllabic word is better known (to those of us that know) as "the Wint-O-Green Lifesaver Effect".

What is the Wint-O-Green Lifesaver Effect? I am amazed at how many friends I've enlightened about this phenomenon. Whoever turned me on to it deserves upgraded accomodations in the here after and in the right now if they're still around.

Seeing is believing. Go buy a roll of Wint-O-Green Lifesavers. Better yet, buy two. You'll wish you had more later, for sure. Good thing 7/11 is open 24 hours...

Get one of your really good friends to come over. Pick a friend you like to be around in a place that's dark. We're talking really really dark, inside a closet with the door closed dark! Enter the darkest place you can find that will fit you, your friend, and the lifesavers. Stand facing each other, close together so you can see into each other's mouths. Take a Wint-O-Green Lifesaver from the pack. Put it in your mouth- towards the back, between your molars. Not too far though! Avoid drooling. With the friend looking into your mouth, keep it open as possible and CRUNCH DOWN really hard on the lifesaver.

In a manner similar to striking a wooden "strike anywhere" match, green sparks flash in your mouth. Get your friend to do it for you. (See what I mean about getting 2 rolls?) What a rush! It's an amazing unexpected thing.

If anyone else is near the dark closet listening they'll be thinking ALL kinds of wild things. Drag them into the closet with you for a good time. Hey, who's going out score more Wint-O-Green Lifesavers?