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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2007-11-12 7:49 p.m.

Today has been a day of appointments. The appointments were made by Bob. He took Scrappy and I to visit our doctors- me in the morning, and Scrap in the afternoon.

Last week I got more sick instead of better. Friday I felt really good, had a blast doing house and art things, then melted down early in the evening. I could barely get up from the pillow wall to eat at the table.

Our friend from Colorado, John, was in town on business. Come Friday afternoon he visited us in Marin for recreational activity before flying home Sunday morning. Part of this ritual is getting sushi from our favorite spot, Sushi to Dai for. Oh ultimate YUM! He also brought his guitar along to jam with Bob in the Den of Iniquity.

The sushi perked me up a bit Friday night, but not for the rest of the weekend. The energy was sooo social and pre-holiday FUN. It was a drag to be sick. On Saturday from noon till night time the phone would ring and it was someone fun.

One friend in particular, Jasmin, who I haven't seen in over a year, was around. What a great thing! We had much to catch up on! I read my poem to her. She knows a place I should read it, and we made tentative plans to go in the next month or so. Jasmin writes very cool poetry. She wrote this one about me:

Loving and Kind
Eternally Sublime
infinitely Chic
Hip and Happening!

By Monday morning after the especially great company I was a mess. The diagnosis is bronchitis, sinusitis, and somethings they want my neurologist to test. I can't taste a thing- everything's flavor is the same. I am hoarse, dizzy, and feverish. I am on an antibiotic for ten days, bed rest, and my glow in the dark humidifier is purring nearby.

When we came home from my doctor's appointment something was wrong with Scrappy. He gets separation anxiety big time. I think he hurt himself having a frenzy when we were gone. He seemed to be in pain. He wasn't acting right.

This afternoon Scrap went to see his vet Dr. Bill. Scrap is on antibiotics, a pain med shot, and I'm to call early in the morning and report how he's doing.

Scrap is so stoned right now! Totally zoned out. I hope he (and I) feel better tomorrow. For now, we are both under the covers, on the same antibiotic, laying low.