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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2007-11-08 7:39 p.m.

Bob picked pears the other day, with great effort and risk of bodily injury. It is an ancient fruitful, happy as heck 80+ year old pear tree. Getting to the fruit, the ones left in the TOP of the tree, requires a ladder, another person to take the fruit from the climber's hands, inevitably harvested at dusk- after work and a double Sky vodka + cranberry cocktail. I cringe when Bob puts on his headlamp as he heads out to the Back 40 where the tree lives.

I brought some pears from our tree to the vet's office this afternoon. I gave them to Juliette's vet Stan Goldfarb, and the neat chiropractor who comes to the office to do the animals every 2 weeks. On some days her clients are people. Other times she does farm animals- horses, cows, llamas, etc. I wish I could remember her name; she is sooo very neat!

Today she told me how her neighbor deals with her pear tree's fruit by putting inflatable mattresses under it to keep the fruit from bruising when it ripens and falls. It occurred to me that these two pear harvest approaches are clearly "boy" and "girl" flavored solutions. Both are successful- and very different, know what I mean?

Juliette was due for her yearly bloodwork and urinalysis. In the last 8 weeks she lost a half pound. Since she's been more food needy I'm concerned that her thyroid is getting wonky. Hyperthyroidism is epidemic in american cats. When LittleOne developed it he got hungrier and lost weight.

Stan will call me tomorrow morning with the results of her bloodwork. I have my fingers crossed. Juliette, 14 yeas old, has been acting so hyper-frisky and fun! I love and adore her. Here she is, the Center of the Universe:

There was something else I wanted to write- but it escapes me. I'll just hit the little "done" button and move on. I want to finish up the office decor. Part of that includes setting up my brand NEW EPSON printer from heaven. It uses 8 inks, prints high res large format glossy photos, and can use fancy shmancy paper from a roll! WOW! I feel an Art Attack coming on...