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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2006-08-28 16:42

Well, I thought I'd get to the Dr.'s Office, stand on the scale and see a different smaller number of lbs. written on my chart. Instead the number was the same. Two months off prednisone and the 20 lbs I gained because of taking it for 8 months hasn't budged. Grrrr.

Then the real blow came when we discussed the results of my blood work. My sed rate was up to 36. Holy depression, Batman. Last time it was 14. Something in my body is inflamed. I sure hope it is not the arteries in my brain again.

I cried on and off the rest of the day. I took an Ativan to mellow out. Today I finally found the gumption to write this turn of events down to post here.

So my plan is cutting more carbs from my diet. My friend (who is diabetic) who has been cooking "healthy gourmet" for my hubby and I bought some nesting measuring cups for improved portion control. I've added another 15 minutes of hill walking to my routine.

I need to make an appointment to see my local rheumatologist who was in charge of weaning me off the prednisone. I am not thrilled with the thought of him possibly putting me back on pred. I refuse!

Another appointment I must make is the follow up with Dr. BigWig. It should have been done in April, but I was having medical burn-out then. He wants another coca cola can of my blood (36 tubes- some really big) to thoroughly inspect my thyroid/endocrine system. At least the person who took the blood last visit was efficient and painless.

Please send me some thoughts of strength & willingness to do these chores...

I am having a hard time with acceptance here. On Wednesday during the cry-fest I kept reminding myself "This too shall pass". Today is Monday. I'm having a tough time doing these things I need to do.

Denial doesn't work. Acceptance and action does.

Thanks for listening.