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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2007-12-21 6:20 p.m.

Full Moon: Sunday December 23 at 8:15 p.m.

Winter solstice occurs during the shortest day/longest night of the year. In the Northern hemisphere that's between December 20 and 23. In the Southern Hemisphere it happens between June 20 and 23.
wikipedia Winter Solstice

I come to life when days are short and night falls early and is luxuriously long! Even as a kid I remember getting excited and happy starting September. Cold weather feels so great! The way I see it you can always put on more snuggly things: Scarves, sweaters, leathers, layers of silk and cotton thermal (for sub 0�), and if you're really a shivering sort- a down jacket.

I have never been able to wear or sleep with anything containing down. It overheats me in moments! I've never been big on buttoning coats up either except in freezing sleet. That is the most miserable winter weather of all! Is is WET! Snow doesn't get you wet like sleet.

Spring is neat, I like seeing everything come to life- baby birds, blooming flowers, and leaves come on the trees bringing beloved shade. I feel the rush, the frenzy, of all those rapidly dividing cells out there in nature. March is typically a very productive, insightful, psychic, and creative time for me.

They say March 'comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb'. I think that lamb morphs into an unholy (bearing the mark) fire breathing beast. When most everyone else is getting charged up for summer I want to climb under a cool rock and hide.

I can't stand daytime in summertime; the sun's rays are sharp- it feels like I'm getting poked by invisible pins! I wear long sleeves all summer to keep from feeling jabbed. I really love summer's skimpy wardrobe: halters, short shorts, bikinis, etc. It is great fun going to outdoor parties, bar-b-ques, and all, after sunset! Warm Summer nights are great, lots of other people are out and about!

Summer sun imprisons me. I have plan my activties to avoid the rays and heat. Winter I can walk any time I please. Summer curtails my freedom immensely!

In the reading I did about S.A.D. because of hubby's hibernation trip, I found out there is a condition describing my summer feelings. I about did a handspring- I never thought "There ain't no cure for the Summertime Blues" had anything to do with me.

A now recognized minority of people like me exhibit "REVERSE Seasonal Affective Disorder" or in other words, The Summertime Blues. Melatonin isn't the culprit though. Research is happening, so far there's something about heat and too much bright light involved. No wonder I want to crawl under a rock!

I'm not being a weirdo because I despise being out in the sun! I've caught a lot of shit not wanting a tan over the years, and have good skin because of it! I figured out I did the Scarlet O'Hara look well: In Athens GA I hennaed my hair black, wore hot pink lipstick with my white lily white skin and shiny black nails. I wonder if Rhett Butler would have liked that?

I really adore the longest night of the year, I just wish there was more than just one.