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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2007-04-11 2:51 p.m.

Argh! My hubby has been on a conspiracy theory trip for a couple weeks. I haven't the foggiest notion where it came from. If I hear any more ranting about "Corporate America" or "The C.I.A." or "Corrupt Bosses, Politicians, Law" I might go postal! Yesterday it seemed that I was being lumped together with THEM.

The word "We" came up in the rant. I said, "We Who?" and reminded him that change starts one personal relationship at a time. Forget the Apocalypse! Every day is the beginning and the end. Finally I said, "WE are not the enemy."

Before the next conspiratorial rant could emerge from BobbyBitchin's mouth I got the leash on Scrappy and bolted out for a dog walk toward town. Whew! I needed some fresh (mental) air.

I walked past a little shop called "Pleasures of the Heart." It is one of those girlie shops with sex toys and and kinky lingerie. I've never done more than admire the window things, but their rack on the sidewalk had something I REALLY needed.

Flying in the breeze was a baby pink scoop neck long sleeve cotton shirt that said, "Stop Bitching- Start a Revolution"

I bought it.
I showed it to Bob.
I'm wearing it today. It seems to be working! The bitching has stopped. YAY!
Hopefully a revolution is on the way.