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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2007-01-09 5:04 p.m.

One day I was on my hands and knees looking for a mouse I saw scampering around that one of the cats lost in the kitchen. I found a curious hole in the kickboard under the counter. It was big enough to reach in with my whole arm! There was no mouse in there. However, I found some cool stuff: Quart milk bottle tops with World War II slogans on them, metal crackerjack toys, a couple rubber balls, and a roll of 35mm Black & White negatives with pictures of a family and their new baby!

I figure they're from the 40's. Those folks probably went crazy looking for these negatives long long ago. That invisible hole under the counter surely is responsible for many missing things.

This house was built in the 20's, and there had been a big fire here way before I moved in. There are charred timbers in our attic. The side of the house where the kitchen is did not get burned- it has the original high ceilings.

Last night a friend commented these look like early 40's or late 30's era- before TV times. You can see the radio in some of the photos. I wonder who those people are?