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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2006-08-19 20:59

Well, no sooner than I entered my last post, I got an email from the Flaming website person in response. See the previous post to get the full story. Here is the frosting to this fabulously entertaining cake:

Hello again Leslie...

I love the Homer-morph.... it's cute as hell...

As for anyone reading my private messages, rest assured, that can't happen... not even the admin's of the board can get them... that is unless they can figure out my password in to my account, which I highly doubt... So fear not, my new friend... anything said in PM on the forum is safe...

I have always had a very high regard for anyone who can make beautiful things in an artistic fashion.... I work with clay and can sketch as well... but building something like you did with that primordial pool....?? I wouldn't know where to begin... so I'll leave that area of expertise to those who know what they are doing... I can do things in my Photo Shop that come out pretty cool, but it's the program that does the work... not me... LOL

Anyway, I guess I'll go check in on the board again... and maybe see if I can stir up some silliness somewhere.... I hope you stick around there... it can get quite hilarious.... rude and obnoxious, but still hilarious.... Oh, be sure to bring along a pair of asbestos underware..... just in case... LOLe

To which I responded...

I just literally bust out laughing. Total real live actual LOL! Then I read your Email to my hubby. The comment about the asbestos underwear is so synchronous. This link should tell all:

Bob's Credentials

New friend, I am sooo grateful for your appearance on my cyber scene. You made my day. Thanks for being!


So there it is. Some days the internet is magical beyond belief!