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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2007-03-31 18:03

We hadn't married a year yet when this way wonky thing happened to Bob's arm. Friday night the guys came over to jam. It was a spirited session playing guitar for Bob. Saturday morning he couldn't lift the arm (at this moment I don't remember if it was right or left) over his head to put on a T-shirt! There was no pain, but the arm didn't work right.

Dr. BigWig, the second opinion said "Spinal Surgery". Titanium plates and screws did the trick. Here's the xray: My Bionic Husband

After the dramatic 6 hour procedure and 7 days staying in the hospital Bob was off work for a couple months. He was a "Good" patient for a week. Then "bobbybitchin" the Bad Patient emerged. A couple weeks of later I was spent. When ever I'd find a moment to sit, Bob somehow needed to sit there or I needed to get something for him.

My desire for sanctuary inspired a yard project. The cushy spot under a huge rosebush got remodeled, rocks got moved, and I recovered the foam cushions with yard friendly burlap. It was warm that day, but nothing could stop me- I wanted a space to sit outside, rest, not move. I dragged the hose out, cleaned, & filled a big galvanized metal tub with water for wading. By afternoon I lounged on it! Pure Bliss! Bob could use the chaise lounge whenever, and I had a shady spot to recline outside now too.

During my maiden voyage on the yard couch, dreamily staring at the garden and dangling feet in the water, my neighbor Sue came through the gate between our yards. She wanted to check it out. As we sat and waded she shared such a magnificent spiritual account of her new outlook on life. Seeing the generosity and grace, Sue had profound divine realization- Universal Love. I get so tingly with joy witnessing the inner light turn for a friend. I profusely thanked God, it felt like magic!

Later that night the guys came over to play music. Kiki and I were having some intense silly fun chat sitting on the floor in my office. Bob came out from the "Den of Iniquity" to the kitchen to mix a cocktail. "FIRE! FIRE!" he hollers.

Kiki and I think he's not for real- he likes to make jokes like that. This was no joke. 15 foot flames were leaping from the rosebush were my new spot was. I dashed out to the fire and saw the foam cushions were burning, then grabbed the hose I had filled the tub with earlier in the day. It was still turned on! YAY!

The hose was helping stop the fire but not fast enough. Kiki appeared so I handed him the hose. I bent down to the full galvanized tub/ wading pool, put my arms in the water, and produced a splash big enough to put it out (mostly) Another few minutes with the hose made the mess of melted foam sizzle out. Foam does really evil things when it burns.

The fire was showy enough to get the neighbors going. The fire was out- "no worries," I said.

Next morning's light brought us a horrible sight. The melted foam was stuck on the concrete path. The rose bush and two plum trees were leafless and black, the shade was all gone. The cushions were liquified.

I thought about how ironic yesterday's events played out. I had to laugh- I thought, "guess divine order had another plan for me that didn't include rest!" All's well that ends well. After I let Bob read this he said Kiki yelled "Fire, Fire". The crux of the biscuit remains the same from my view though- my new couch place was melted- and it took 2 years for the rose to regenerate itself and make shade again. Bob is totally healed.

And I got the rest I needed.