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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2005-11-28 10:34 p.m.

This was my physical Examination on October 30th.

I was supposed to go to Goldengate Park for the Chet Helms Party we even had stage pssses for the entertainment thingys.

But no, me and Bob went to the hospital cause' the headache I had was just too too much.


Vital Signs: Temperature 97.8, pulse 84, respirations 30 and her blood pressure is 198/134, repeat blood pressure charted at 203/125.

General Appearance; The patient seems very anxious and uncomfortable.

HEENT: Reveals her head is diffusely tender. There is no sign of trauma. Her pupills are equal and reactive. Extraoculat muscles are intact. Her pupils are reactive about 3 mm.S he is a bit photophobic. Her funduscope exam is difficult because of her poor tolerance of light but her disk seemed sharp. Her blood vessel look abnormal and slightly hypertrophic but are poorly visualized to the poor tolerance of exam. The pharynx is benign. There is no tongue biting. Ears and TMs are negative. The neck is supple. There is no JVD. There is no lymphadenopathy. Trachea is midline. Chest is nontender with clear equal breath sounds. Cardiac exam reveals a regular rate and rhythm without murmurs, rubs or gallops. Abdomen: Positive Bowel sounds are soft and nontendeer. Back: No CVAT Extremities: Without clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. Neurologically, the patient is alert and oriented x4 and although she states she feels like she has trouble focusing on questions and communicating. Her motor strenght seems to be 5/5. sensation intact to light touch. Her cranial nerves are grossly intact.