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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2004-11-13 5:17 p.m.

My Neighborhood, Part One

I start at the beginning when starting something. That is a challenge when writing about the Neighborhood. It is not a linear thing- for one, I live on a corner, with maximum opportunity to observe, One of the streets, Roberts Avenue, is a dead end with a set of stairs leading to the tier below. Biologically, barring laws on statutory rape and age of consent, 14 years a generation of human life advances. Been here 14+ years, a lot happens. The not so distant past- age of 40 was considered ripe. Time is relative. Then where does it start?

Answering the call I chronicle native Humanity on this Marin county hillside (my home)- without hesitation, motivated in celebration- to demonstrate respect, honor diversity, in Absolute Love of we whom are of the earth, one with nature, governed by Divine Law.

I painted this 7 or 8 years ago It says, "WE ARE ALL HOLY"...

We are All Holy


We all are.

***********More will be Revealed************