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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2013-05-15 2:45 p.m.

This entry is from an ancient 1980 paper diary tucked away on our bookself. Rereading it revealed how much has changed, how much I am the same (in spite of growing up) which inspired my typing it into a 21st Century friendly form to share with the world - starting here.

4/5/80 Saturday

This morning started nice and late. I slept so well I didn't hear Russell call me to try to wake me up. Oh well - that's okay with me. I went to Lisa's house to get all the stuff I left behind last time I was there. Everything, that is, except my double wrap belt. Apparently Connie must have decided to wear it or something because it was nowhere to be found. So next we go visit Olen at his work place. This proved to be good because we got a few blacks from him - and I felt like getting really looped, needed shock treatment. Speaking of which, I wish I had $ to call (sigh) Berny.
Back to the real world. Excuse me while I watch the switcher (I'm in class) I've got to get that piece of machinery under control.