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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2013-05-10 7:56 p.m.

This entry is from an ancient 1980 paper diary tucked away on our bookself. Rereading it revealed how much has changed, how much I am the same (in spite of growing up) which inspired my typing it into a 21st Century friendly form to share with the world - starting here.

3/18/80 Tueday!

Tomorrow is D-day! I can hardly wait until 4:30 tomorrow afternoon - Doug will scoop me up off my feet and straight into his bed and heart! I've been so horny - probably because I've been thinking about it so much. I even bought some new clothes today to help celebrate. Purple pants, a purple shirt, a wild looking pink hawaiian shirt. Good thing the ole' account can sort of handle it. Dad sent me $50 to make up for the slight the theater paid on me - so I can pay Lisa back, and get a few new things. Hurray! I Love purple on me - its definitely my color. I still haven't decided what to wear tomorrow. something outrageous I suppose.

Today was our critique in 515 - I wonder what our group will get? I really didn't feel into that group, and it suffered. They wouldn't let me do my own thing at all! We didn't even have time for my clone commercial.