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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2003-05-12 7:18 p.m.
Dreaming is a good thing
WE had an unexpected house guest last night- If it wasn't my old friend, the answer would have been NO because I can hardly talk- And the topics of conversation are so stimulating, deep and spiritual! So against my better judgement, I stayed up way too late talking to him- until my throat was raw- then he played music with BOB for another couple hours- which I essentially had to myself-but the damage was already done...

I need a couple hours of all alone time daily. That usually happens when Bob goes to bed- and the house is quiet, the cats and dog all arranged in their beds on/by my drawing table or next to me on the couch...They follow me wherever I go- a fuzzy fan club!

Last night the schedule was pushed back 2 hours- everything happened later than usual. Even though I am still sick-albeit mobile, I still am in need of that social down-time.

Today I walked the dog for the first time in 4 days. When returning, I sat with the guest for a couple hours, then crashed and burned! For 4 hours I slept this afternoon- truely dead to the world. I had great and glorious plans to work today- make up lost time for the downtime last week, but now tuesday will be the day. I hope!

Interesting walk this morning, however. Scrappy was so happy to be on a walk with me instead of the folks who fill in when I am "out-of-it"

It is not often I am unable to go....He was all "full of himself" as we made the turn past this really cool old ramshackle house that I love. Last week there was a "for sale by owner" sign on it- and one of the neighbors told me the 90 something year old lady that lived there for 65 years had to leave her home 7 months ago- she could not care for herself anymore.

Today scrap and I walked up the long driveway to investigate the place. What a cool scene! There was a well with a hand pump, even through the slash-and-clear let's clean this up fast landscape pruning the property received, I could see the cool old foundation plants coming on. And this huge old cymbidium plant! WOW! Of course the truly meaningful things in the real estate world were lacking...

The wooden steps up the front were mushy and unsafe with rot, the roof had tarps to reduce leaks. The place appears to slump. And the most endearing quality was the woman's CAT who is being cared for and still lives on the back porch. I want to go back there and just sit with the cat. With Scrappy, there is not an opportunity to do such with a cat, because his zeal to encounter an unfamiliar feline makes 'kitty quiet time' utterly impossible.

The case of cans and the 25 lb bag of kibble tell me a neighbor is looking after this animal. I wish I had a place here for another cat.