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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2003-05-06 10:18 a.m.
I will mail the checks tired today

I am resisting something....
that is a mouthful. I find myself with checks NOT in the mail, not because the money is not in the bank...
I either forget to carry them to the mailbox when I dog walk, or I think, "I'll go there tomorrow" and when it comes, I think, "I'll go there tomorrow", so that day comes and I have absorbed into a visual project and think,"tomorrow"...
Got the picture?

I do that with my work, too. Lucky for me my work responsibility is caring for indoor plants. They do not care what day I arrive, only that I do it. They are beautiful and healthy- my boss says they look better than the ones he looks after!

I can not get into any trouble there except, of course, the site has a DREADED CLOCK WATCHER. You know the type- they wear a watch, and use it for a weapon! You would think that watch was God, and all good work occurs at Certian Hours only, Any work not falling into those Special Hours is null and void of value.


It is also the assumption that whatever happens during those hours is Work....
That is not the case- what work is being done while the One with the Watch is watching everyone else and the watch, too?
Who watches the watch watcher?

Personally, I abhor clocks and time watching, seeing how it removes you from the moment. I like the moment. I love the moment! Moments are little "opening nights" they are "grand openings" & Gala Events!

Time is useful so as to avoid wasting another person's moments, as well as your own precious moments.

I answer the question, "what time is it?" with things like,"daytime" "now" "night time"...

I keep the time stamp on the this page because it is relevant to some watch watchers. -so be it.
Off to walk- it's dog dump time.