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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2007-05-08 15:43

This all started when I re-responded to one of the very first notes I got when I started my Diaryland page in 2003. Recent inspiration sparked me into submitting my poem, Judgement, to Haggard and Halloo, a literary group in Austin TX.

On 4/13/07, I wrote: "Hello H&H- You put a comment in my Diaryland notes area a few years back. I checked y'all out then, and here I am again. I have something to offer writing-wise I believe will please...



Resulting from a massive, expansive, nervous breakthrough... Be known wearing formal evening clothes sharing finger foods and champagne on the Tallehatchi bridge. Dance a tango in your laundromat! Wear loin cloth.


That which is repressed, resisted, withheld, hidden becomes seductive. Are you seduced by value? Assign value to seduction?

ALWAYS commit to whatchulike, whateyelike, whatever, wherever, whomever, whenever. Even activity illicit. wanton. taboo. U.C.L.A., F.D.A., D.E.A., N.R.A., C.I.A., unapproved !

D.N.A.- Do Not Abstain in mortal fear of ever-lasting HELL FIRE and DAMNATION. NAKED Run pell mell through the poppy field. Throw Caution to the wind.

The sole force with strength to hold you captive is your own tortured mind! Run. Run amok, Run for your life! Today, every day, is the Last Day.

FEAR forges the bars of your cursed, cramped, damp subterranean cell. FEAR alone fetters and binds the wild imaginative seeds germinating deep inside. What? Why? Murder these innocent embryos bearing higher conscience?



Still waking, walking,
Divine rendered blind
Buried, still breathing, barely Alive!
Soul trapped, claws the casket-lining.
Frightened, Crying. Breathlessly dies.
The Muse putrefies.
A rhythmic pulse is poor proof of Life.
Now Tell me
Have you seen the Light?"

One thing led to another. I completely forgot about submitting that poem. Then, on May 1, I received this cool email!

"Leslie, Your poems are very vocal. I hope you read them aloud. (I do- Me Reading Judgement ) I would like to post one to see what reaction it attracts. I haven't decided which. Stay tuned, H and H"

I wrote H and H back, explaining that it is really one poem with 2 parts, but I could see they each stand alone too. So who knows when, but it will appear. I'm so thrilled to have it out there! I am Staying Tuned, for sure.