1980 Diary

Most Recent

2006-12-25 - James Brown died from heart failure
2006-12-23 - In June of 1992 I came home after a Cotati visit bearing profound
2006-12-21 - Am I the only person who likes winter better than summer?
2006-12-09 - MyMarbles site in progress
2006-12-08 - I've had a rough ride this last 7 days...
2006-11-30 - another layer of feeling popped up on my emotional radar today
2006-11-28 - flying men and their trapezes, not at the circus...
2006-11-22 - THANKS giving...
2006-11-19 - Drinking the grape FlavorAid...
2006-11-07 - went out last night!
2006-11-04 - My experience with being on a team. A high school gymnastics team
2006-11-03 - It's raining. My reading the last couple weeks revealed something
2006-10-30 - A year ago today...
2006-10-29 - I saw a shooting star tonight. I was walking Scrappy...
2006-10-26 - Thanks Universe!
2006-10-25 - Canadian Conjoined Twins born today!
2006-10-23 - anniversaries
2006-10-21 - Westboro Baptist Church
2006-10-21 - Lina Medina, 5 year old mother...
2006-10-16 - Believe it or not!
2006-10-13 - It's Friday...
2006-10-05 - Friday Afternoon was so trippy!
2006-09-29 - I've been feeling yucky...
2006-09-24 - Part two of the opposum event
2006-09-24 - Monsterhead Icons
2006-09-15 - A wild (for REAL) and crazy visit from nature
2006-09-12 - a geeky couple of days
2006-09-04 - My Powerbook Project
2006-09-04 - Sweet Surreal Revenge
2006-09-02 - What I've been busy with...
2006-08-28 - Medical Update, Dr. Appointment last Wednesday
2006-08-19 - My lips are Laughing!
2006-08-19 - My primordial ooze animation spreading over the internet...
2006-08-17 - My 13 Year Old Tin Foil Barb died :(
2006-08-17 - An old friend swooshed through my mind today...
2006-08-16 - Appreciation for CrazyMed.org
2006-08-16 - entry I made to a message board
2006-08-10 - Eargasm
2006-07-30 - July Update
2006-07-12 - great response
2006-07-01 - Happy Independence Weekend!
2006-06-16 - withdrawal from prednisone Bad Day
2006-06-07 - Withdrawal from 2 Meds-YUK!
2006-05-10 - mini update
2006-03-01 - good med news
2006-02-02 - Big Wig meeting #1
2006-01-30 - It's been 30 days since I wrote!

all content ©LJMichel 2013 TRULY!