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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2006-11-19 5:43 a.m.

siewalk near by
Drink the Grape FlavorAid, and step peacefully to the other side...
Today, November 18th, is the 28th anniversary year of the Jonestown Massacre.
Revolutionary Suicide is what Jim Jones called it. Children and old folks first...

Here's a link to a bit of
Jonestown info

My neighbor & I were walking around in search of the darkest place we could find to view the meteor shower due to hit the sky tonight. Ske lived on Haight Street in San Francisco during the 70's when Jim Jones and the People's Temple were based in SF. She told me she went to a People's Temple dinner. A free meal! They really wanted her to join up. If she did we wouldn't have met, or watched the meteor shower, or see the way cool big owl fly by us tonight.

Here's a picture I found online just now.
Jim Jones's Chair at the Peoples Temple
That's Jim Jone's "throne" at Jonestown in Guyana. November 18, 1978, 914 People's Temple members drank little paper cups of red FlavorAid (not KoolAid!) laced with cyanide and valium.
FlavorAid Tub
There is a recording of his last bit of preaching while the people fed the stuff to their kids, old folks, and then themselves. It is 44 minutes long and so very heavy:
Revolutionary Suicide preaching by Jim Jones mp3