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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2003-10-25 5:35 a.m.

it started like this, with an email sent from my website...

Hi....Is your name "eilsel"?

I enjoy your website.

I am needing to do a QUICKIE website, and I was looking over .mac. Yours is the first site I came across that looked different and artsy. Can you tell me how I can do something like yours, especially the home page....the black background and the color smudges at the bottom. What kind of program do you need? Would you be willing to share just those two graphics with a fellow struggling BUSY artist/mom/woman on a mission to get a quick site up! Thanks


here it is, 117 email messages later sent over the last 10 days, it ended like this, just after I launched her site friday morning...

I received this enthusiastic response to the launching

ARE YOU KIDDING ME....You have helped me sooooooooo much!!!!!! I have a friend in TLS (thats "the Labyrinth Society") that is an awesome artist...produces like crazy...has done allll kinds of things....when I asked her HOW does she do it all...she told me, "OH, that's easy, I have two lists: 1. is a list of things I can do, and 2. is the universe list.....I just ask the universe to provide...WELLLLL, THAT REALLY WORKS....cause that is what i did the very day I wrote you that's incredible how we came's incredible that you answered the call from some little email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow.....the generosity and the hospitality...HOSPITALITY is what Benedictines are all about...tonight i go to the monastery for a community have been a great example to me, and I will return the energy to the universe when i get the call!!!

glowing..........screen glowing back............;-)

I wrote her back, after that last email...

Thanks, carol

you are an inspiration for me as well.

If you were coming from any other than pure spiritual energy I would not be compelled to do this for you- It takes one to know one!

My energetic sensitivity is extreme-yet, as much as I pick up on, and respond to and learn from, I know that is just a trickle of the grandeur God is constantly showering all of eternity with.

Give us this day our DAILY bread...

Not everyone has to know how to code a website!

All in divine order

that is how the Universe works.

Every morning I get up and sit a moment, and listen for what my job is today- and the Universe never fails to reveal my assignment! Your site was one of those assignments.

About 12 years ago I had the fortunate blessing to have a spiritual experience of epoch proportions. It took three days to play itself through. My life passed before my eyes. Events that seemed unrelated

trivia in my memory suddenly all linked up and created a perfectly organized deliberate plan that I had been living without recognizing for my whole life. Every art object I've made, every relationship, all the pain, all the joy, all the everything was just so, and had always been!

It took me 2 years to internalize what was revealed to me in three blinding days of visions. Parts of it still surface as fresh as the days I first saw them.

Several long held core beliefs were shattered, and it is confusing to have to rebuild the leveled understanding with which one sees the world. I called that experience my Nervous Breakthrough! My mom thought I was nuts.

But I knew I was seeing the world through the crystal vision of eternity. I have literally hundreds of drawings from that time until now.

I had my position and my purpose on the planet revealed to me- And I had lived my role without even realizing it. I have burned a candle day and night ever since. I am a torch bearer.

There is more to the story, much more. Every day more is revealed.

Thanks for being one of my encounters with destiny. Glad to spread joy when I can!

And she responded..

I'm crying

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