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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2008-11-15 1:26 a.m.
It's a long story (to be shared later on) about the inspiration for this entry...
To Be (or Not To Be) a True Friend

Is your friend truly a friend -from the heart?
A good friend has at least 3 traits listed below.
A great friend possesses them all- NO red flags flying!

1. Selflessness
This is the willingness to be with you, through good times and times of pain, grief, trouble. You may do everything to help out, but if and when you need help...
"Fair weather" friend= Warning. red-flag!

2. Time Together
Test of the true synergy in a friendship: when you hang around together, are you there to enjoy each other's company and companionship? Being, connected; no strings attached?
...or do you only hook up when the "friend" needs something from you? If so, Warning red-flag!-this is a sign of a manipulator.

3. Transparency
It's the level of interpersonal connectedness; clarity in the relationship. A true friend will tell you personal things- with complete trust. You won't betray the intimacy. A true friend lovingly shares thoughts and dreams with you. If it's something you might not want to hear, you can agree to disagree- no matter what.
Walking on eggshells? Warning, red-flag!

4. Interest
How interested is the other person in your life? If you are doing something important, do they follow up with you?
Deeper the friendship, the better their questions; how are you emotionally, physically, professionally, from the heart...
If not listening, Warning, red-flag! know they're not really interested in your life.

5. Integrity
"Actions speak louder than words"
This is the ability to keep your word and do as you say you will. If saying they'll do something then regularly forget or tell you, "OH! I'm too busy today," (ie. you're rarely the important thing) Warning red-flag! that person lacks integrity.