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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2006-06-07 2:02 p.m.

I am having a bizarre time in my head and body right now. I wish I could jump out and hang around in the astral plane until these feelings go on by.

You see, last November when I was on death's doorstep in ICU for a week diagnosed with CNS Vasculitis, the Dr.s put me on massive doses of prednisone, and an Antidepressant called Lexapro. It has taken this long to wean myself (with the Dr.'s guidance) off the prednisone. I've been off it 5 days.

I also chose to ditch the Lexapro, because I am not the depressed sort, and it hasn't made it any easier to keep from gaining weight from taking the Pred.

The combination of withdrawal symptoms from these two meds is way wacky! I've had 3 hallucinations, bad dreams, crying for no reason, been lethargic, or manic, sensitive to loud sounds or being touched...
The list is endless.

Apparently these are all NORMAL reactions. It could take up to 8 weeks to get over this. I sure hope my time is on the lesser end- like 3 or 4 weeks.

Prednisone has made the skin on my feet so sensitive and thin I can only wear one pair of shoes, with socks, to walk. If I wear any other pair I get blisters that make it so I can't walk at all for a week. Not being able to walk up the hills with my dog makes me feel crazy- not to mention his sad looking face when someone else takes him out.

I know this too shall pass, but sooner would be better.

Whew! I needed to rant. I feel better now.

I have been on an animation binge lately. Here's a link to one of the latest:

Girlie Things