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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2005-12-08 10:29 a.m.

EXAM: DATE: 11/01/2005

R/O Hemorrhage

Intercranial hemorrhage


Noncontrast examination.

Focus of hemorrhage is again seen centered within the left medial temporal lobe. This is unchanged in size from prior examination. A small 5mm focus of hemorrhage is seen within the right cerebellum as well which is unchanged from prior examination. Focal areas of encephalomalacia consistant with prior lacunar infarcts are seen within the right lentiform nuclei bilaterally at the level of the left external capsule. These were present on prior examination.
Ill-defined low attenuation is seen within the corona radiata and centrum semivale, left greater than right extending to the vertex. This is unchanged from prior examination. A very small 3mm focus ofhigh density is seen within the anterior aspect of the third ventricle which may represent either a small new focus of hemorrhage within the adjacent left ventral thalamus or alternatively may represent hemorrhage within the third ventricle itself.

Small 3 mm high density focus along the anterior aspect of the third ventricle which may represent intraventricular extension and hemorrhage or alternativly a small focus of hemorrhage within the ventral thalmus. The remainder of the examination is unchanged. Again noted is small hemorrhage within the left medial cerebellum, extensive white matter disease, and old lacunar infarcts noted.

Ilkcan Cokgor MD