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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2005-11-28 4:36 p.m.

DIET: Regular as tolerated

ACTIVITIES: As tolerated. I have advised her not to drive until she is seen in followup by Dr Cokgor. She has been given Dr Cokgor's phone number and Dr. Cokgor will see her in follow up in the next week.

DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: She has also been advised that she is to follow up with neurovascular department at UCSF for followuo on the aneurysm and that she should see Dr. Stein or another rheumatologist for followup of her varioud autoimmune symptoms and serologies. She will also see Dr. Flash Gordon for her followup for her blood pressure.

DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: CatapresTTS patch, one weekly. I have given her two of those. Amlodipine 5mg b.i.d. given her 30 of those, given her Percocet 5/325 1 to 2 q.i.d. as needed for severe headache #20 and Lexapro 10 mg daily #15. I have given her prednisone 20mg, told her to take two a day for a week and then go one and a half a day and not to decrease it further without seeing Dr. Cokgor. She should see Dr Cokgor next week, Dr Flash Gordon and Dr. Cokgor will help her get over to see the neurovascular department at UCSF.