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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2013-05-15 10:10 p.m.

This entry is from an ancient 1980 paper diary tucked away on our bookself. Rereading it revealed how much has changed, how much I am the same (in spite of growing up) which inspired my typing it into a 21st Century friendly form to share with the world - starting here.

4/7/80 Monday -

Walter left me a piece of furniture to work on last night - A rather large (to my apartment) coffee tin. The kind they used in general stores and the like. I am waiting to get Inspired about that. In TV class this morn. I had to play Assistant Director, Audio and shader. Sandra talked to me today - she's definitely a very together lady. I had her picked from the very beginning - I even told Crew about it. He agreed. His script has me wondering - so sexually oriented - and Crew seems so - I don't have a label. He makes me wonder sometimes - He's late for class a lot. I guess he's the type that's late all the time. Sometimes I'm like that. Work needs to be done in that area.

The day proceeded until 260. I left for the second half of it - I needed to find the Banner Herald office to get something I need for the 558 class. I ended up eating lunch with Randall (from Pylon). We spoke about NYC, etc. - Pylon will be going on tour?! Again - And will even play the Cleveland Agora. Great place that Cleveland Agora - especially after seeing the Ramones in that Mod place with Berny.

Work was a fuck off. Nothing much to do besides wash Lab coats, etc. I rearranged a few things to make things more efficient and comfortable. Got all the lab towels cleaned up - and tried to make my lab coat white. No luck - it will always remind me of the lab the rest of its natural life. When I got off work, I even took the bus home under the excuse that it will start to rain. Lazy. But tomorrow will be different. This is an official diet week. I want to lose around 5 lbs. this week - and maybe even fast on Tuesday. I'm cleaning the chemicals up now - they are so dusty, etc. Binge city - I consummed a large container of cottage cheese. And I'm still "full" from it. I took a dandy nap this evening - from around 6 to 9! I think I needed it. I need to get back into my nap habit - it really works - Also I got some Buzzcocks buttons- so I can mail one to Danny White. Jesus - I think its 11 already! Shocker. I'll be up for a long time though...