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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2013-05-15 3:31 p.m.

This entry is from an ancient 1980 paper diary tucked away on our bookself. Rereading it revealed how much has changed, how much I am the same (in spite of growing up) which inspired my typing it into a 21st Century friendly form to share with the world - starting here.

Sunday 4/6/80

Dear Book, this is being written post partum so to speak - It's Monday evening minilate - and I am going to stay up all night tonight to do little projects, etc. So, I needed to finish you first then my mag. assignment and then onto fun and games.

Off to Moultrie. It took about 4 hours total to get there. Sometimes rides are nice - This one was. It seems Russell and I have gotten over that BIG mistake of several years ago. I hope so - we make great Binge partners, but I don't want to get into anything sexual AT ALL. I've felt more like a eunuch than anything else. No desire for anything - (save a little L.D. Love) Pretty Sorry. Everyone gets in low gear once and a while.

Once we got to Moultrie Russell had to cope with his parents. They moved me into his room, and Russell had to sleep on the couch. We went out and hung out here and there. Then when I hit that bed I was dead. One more wild and crazed weekend where I remember little specific information. That is what a binge is.

Ahh, The Doors on the radio - At least it sounds like them...
The ride back from Moultrie got a late start and, we wasted a lot of time in the process of driving back for the sake of party.

His mother made Easter dinner: Ham, deviled eggs, tomato, greens (yuk), Rolls, etc so on and so forth. I munched out - and then we went to visit Ralf and Janet. Nice folks. Chris and Beth from the evening before were fun, too. Beth's brother is the drummer in a band called PEP here in Athens. So as to the trip -

Typical Fear and Loathing phenonomen. We still had Bloody Marys from the evening prior - So we drank the same on the way back to the "little A" (Athens in case ya' forgot!) By the time we got here Russell and I were both looped. Fear and Loathing, here we go -> Russell says I'm a great binge partner and we'll do a real binge one of these days again. The bender to Fla. a while back really had me screwed up a while - but the parts I got for my skateboard were so worth it!

One incident that stands out in my mind concerning the drive back is that once we ran out of ice. We ran out of ice in the middle of nowhere on the interstate. Talk about shit! I decided the best way to get ice was from a machine in some motel - obscure or otherwise. So, we pulled up at a motel (obscure) for the crystalline substance. The machine was in the office. I went inside and out came the proprieter (I suppose) - A youngish Indian (from India) looking geek. At first he wasn't going to give me any ice. But I (as Dad puts it) batted my baby greys and he let me have some. I grabbed a handful and ran out the door. Russell and I would make a good con artist pair. I might have to do most of the devising of our crazy schemes though -