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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2013-05-12 8:51 p.m.

This entry is from an ancient 1980 paper diary tucked away on our bookself. Rereading it revealed how much has changed, how much I am the same (in spite of growing up) which inspired my typing it into a 21st Century friendly form to share with the world - starting here.

Tuesday 3/25/80

Ramones day! Bern had to work today - Rats! I just hung around all day relaxing and talking to Rick. Bern still hasn't made love to my ready, willing and able body yet - and as I write this I know we won't anytime soon - must wait till Fla. - but Anyway that's no big deal.

We all went to the concert - myself, Berny, Ricky, Danny, Stacy, Robin, and New Wave Walter - In two cars thank goodness. Ramones were really hot. Ricky gave me a cool button that says "Johnny, Joey, Dee Dee, Marky" on it - and looks like the seal of the US of A. I'll make him a changa picture button. And Danny also - I've got a whole list of things to mail. They'll get there soon enough. Robin, Susan, Walter and I all went to the G.E. to waste time until I've got to go to pick up B.W. and head to the 'port.

Right now I'm in Pittsburg at the Ionosphere Club drinking freebie B.M.'s (a pilot brought me in) - And watching T.V. 7 0'clock - And my flight doesn't leave 'till 8:20 - I'll be faced by the time I leave here.

I just got done mixing another (#3) drink. I'm the youngest person here - Everyone is at least 30 yrs old - and almost everyone is male. My thoughts drift to honeybunch - And to Lisa H. who will be there to get me! So until later on - Love Me - Leslie

Later on that evening...

Lisa swooped in and picked me up from the airport right on cue. Then I screamed - I was so hyper I had to - or I would have surely burst. After some frenzied first conversation, a few hugs, grins, and a kiss - we got lost on the way to CW Shaws - because I had Lisa so distracted she couldn't keep her mind on the destination.

Then, once we get to Shaws, I proceed to get faced. Met a Rock and Roll photographer that wants to take pictures of me - Mod - I can always use some new pictures - and Bernie would surely appreciate them. We went to another club for a while - but I can't recall the name of it. I tried to call Doug while at Shaws, but no one was answering. Okay - I'll just call him Wednesday afternoon. I'm going to stay tomorrow night because Lisa and I got Full Access passes to the Agora to see a band called RIGGS (I can't remember right now) (I remembered after all!) So we'll be mod rock and rollers and go backstage (lord!) and party. Leslie's not going to overindulge tonight for sure.