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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2003-08-01 7:13 a.m.

MY LATEST ANIMATION CLICK HERE! That is the link to my cool mini movie I made last night.

During the time I was making the movie, about 3am, I took a break to walk scrappy. It has been weird weather in california this last week- threatening rain, muggy, hot. Last night it actually rained! It usually starts to rain in september or so. It was kinda creepy last night- scrappy wanted to walk down toward town instead of up the hills. I walked through the well lit area through the park. I felt wary- more than usual...for being the fearless type. I made the turn out of the park and toward home. Of course, the dog put up a fuss-HE wanted to walk downtown. We were about 1/2 way home, I decided NOT to walk through the woody hills-opting for the main drag.

Suddenly I became aware of footsteps.

They were first a distant scuffle, but soon a distant hurried trot, finally becoming an alarming run-walk...All the time gaining on me- I was moving at the speed of DOG- a stubborn one busy showing his feelings for not going the way HE wanted to go. Scrappy heard the footfall- turned to get a better view, and began to growl.

As the person got closer I saw it was a guy carrying a box. About 3 car lengths behind and across the street, He began to speak...WHEW! That told me all I needed to know. He was talking to me! He told me he had just been beat up by three guys at the other entrance of the park I just walked through. They wanted to steal his box!

He kept saying he wasn't going to part with that box- It contained his family photos! I was not going to ask him why he was going to the 7-11 with his box of family pictures @ 3AM- He did ask me To see if he was bleedind on his back- that it hurt very much. He lifted up his sweatshirt.

Badly bruised and scraped- but no gaping wounds! YAY. We talked there in the street for another 5 minutes, but I was anxious to get home- I was spooked- but not scared. We bid each other many heartfelt blessings

He thanked me and called me "nurse", and scrappy and I ran the rest of the way home up our hill. It has been a strange week- Last saturday there was a prowler in the backyard! But that is another story. I'll jot that one down later. Bye for now