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beautiful pink lava erupting in this dreamstate horizon
2003-04-30 4:09 p.m.
I am lucky Grateful
Oh rapture and joy! There were surprises in store for me. I was working on the garden with my helper of the day yesterday afternoon, when I weeded up to the front gate I happened to notice a PACKAGE on the doorstep. No, it wasn't for the husband...It was for ME! I have 2 software titles ordered, and this was one of them!! Oh boy oh boy. My upgrade package for Corel Painter 8 has arrived! I sure wish MOTU would get it together now...

Good thing it was near time for the 'shift change', the garden assistant would be leaving soon, the husband will come home, the rehearsal will start, and I will be able to install the software right away. Well, theoretically....

How things worked out yesterday: Installed new software-yes! Got to play with it- NO:(

No less than three friends came over during the rehearsal, one which has a crisis with a capital C, one I haven't seen in a few weeks and I wanted to catch up with her, and one whom just 'wanted to stop by and see what was up'

I have long abandoned the notion of "Band Night" being anything other than a "social free for all". There is something about a bunch of guys and electric instruments that draws a crowd. I have to remind people this is our home, not a public place. There is no night club here! Why, I even had this chick try to play me and my husband against one another when I told her NOT to come over one time- she showed up anyway, and told me, "well BOB said I could stop over a couple weeks ago" so I let her know in no uncertian terms that he looks to me for the final say in most every thing, and we stand together on ALL THINGS. (he refers to me as "the boss" especially if the issue is a "sticky" one) And she scurried up the steps with her tail between her legs! Truly a lonely damaged soul- I keep my boundaries high and my expectations low. I am not a victim. This is the best recipe for owning MY power in the moment-no matter what the moment brings.

The music was great-lots of fresh styling, unusual song choices, not too loud!, and a minimum of bickering between the members. The practice was unusually long too. The friend I wanted to spend time with was game to linger, and we had fun.

By the time all was quiet and I was alone and able to concentrate-I was into organizing my audio closet. After the final dog walk at 2am, I was ready to read and then go to bed. Working outside yesterday in the broad daylight wears me out! I wrestled blackberries as my final feat. The street level parking in our hill dwelling neighborhood's ultra-narrow street was being consumed by the rush of thorny growth. If I do not cut them- the crazy neighbor up the way will- and I hate it when he cuts them! I do it tastefully- he approaches it resentfully.

OH and today I got a letter fron an agency stating they want to represent my photography!

here it is!:

I will leave out the salutation and the other names...

Please check out our site: �

Your work is great and we would love to discuss representation.


I forwarded the letter to my publisher friend to suss out in my behalf. I sure could use another outlet for my work. See ya later! Got to go...